Work in Progress

Working Papers

Rainfall Inequality, Political Power, and Ethnic Conflict in Africa (with T Rogall), LICOS Discussion Paper 391/2017. 
Conditionally Accepted at American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Award: UniCredit Best Presentation Prize at the 2015 Applied Economics Workshop in Petralia [link]
Media: World Bank Development Impact blog, VOXEu

Historical malaria burden and present-day witchcraft beliefs (with E. Briones Alonso, H. Mahr, and M. Verpoorten)
Rej&R at Journal of Development Economics 

Hacking Anti-Immigration Attitudes and Stereotypes: A Field Experiment in Italian High Schools (with S Giunti, M Mendola, and I Solmone),  Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano Development Studies Working Paper No. 499  - submitted!
Trial registration: AEARCTR-0010674
Media: 1; 2

Supporting Learning In and Out of School: Evidence from India (with M Björkman Nyqvist) - submitted!
Trial registration: AEARCTR-0002817
Summary: J-PAL 

Selected Work in Progress - Experimental Studies

Effect of the Living Goods/BRAC Community Health Delivery Program on Child Mortality in Uganda – RCT Phase II  (with P Awor, M Björkman Nyqvist, and J Svensson)
Accepted via pre-results review process at Journal of Development Economics
RCT Status: data collection completed - draft coming soon!
Trial registration: AEARCTR-0002392

Entrepreneurship Support for Refugees and Host Populations in a Fragile Context (with C Fernandez, M Holmlund, T Mitchell, and C Newman)
RCT Status: data collection completed - draft coming soon!
Trial registration: AEARCTR-0006551

Testing Targeting Variants for Emergency Transfers in DRC (with F Dunsch, J Garcia, M Holmlund, G Karbala, and K McCollum)
RCT Status: data collection completed - draft coming soon!
Trial registration: AEARCTR-0010350

When Humanitarian Assistance Fades Out: Experimental Evidence from a Nation-Wide Program in Lebanon (with G Baliki, F Dunsch, J Garcia, and D Weiffen)
RCT Status: Endline data collection ongoing
Trial registration: AEARCTR-0011831

Remote Care for Remote Areas: The Impact of Telehealth in Rural India (with A Dahlstrand and E Deserranno)
RCT Status: Baseline completed
Trial registration: AEARCTR-0010787

E-monitoring and Organizational Performance: Evidence from the National Community Health Program in Sierra Leone (with E Deserranno, and G León-Ciliotta)

Selected Work in Progress - Non-Experimental Studies 

Women Political Representation and its Impact in Uganda (with S Anderson and M Björkman Nyqvist)
Status: data collection completed - draft coming soon!

Ethnicity and Market Integration across Africa (with M Suesse)

Dormant Projects

Conceptual framework for the analysis of the determinants of food and nutrition security (with H Pieters and A Vandeplas), Foodsecure Working Paper 2013-13

Community Health Care and COVID-19 Pandemic: Experimental Evidence from Uganda (with M Björkman Nyqvist, C Clerici, and J Svensson)
Trial registration: AEARCTR-0005874

Building Inclusive State Capacity from the ground up: Evidence from the Construction of a Digital Social Registry in Liberia (with E Deserranno, and A Stegmann)
Media: J-PAL Blog